Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Race Really is an Issue Sometimes
As the sun falls on Obama's 100th day, and we hear of spring track meets being cancelled, watch people on the news run around with surgical masks on, and hear more about people actually dying from the Swine Flu, it makes me wonder what in the world we are going to do about containing such horrendous things now, and in the future. If anyone were to look up this illness, they would find that the Swine Flu has been around for a very long time, but the strain has evolved into something more dangerous to humans, hence the need for panic. The first report I heard about the outbreak (maybe a week ago) was on the evening news, and reported that the disease had been killing people in Mexico like flies for a good while as we tried to manage our own problems here in the states, and plodded through our daily grind, much unaware, as usual. This report, of course, made many of us cringe as we walked into crowded grocery stores and sent our kids to school where the Mexican, (illegal alien, immigrant, or whatever you feel like calling them) population is rising well past that of the born and bred American in our area. The virus could have originated anywhere, but with the number of cases along the border towns of Mexico, it should, at least, raise the country's eyebrow. I have never considered myself much of a racist, but I have to tell you, it has not escaped my observance that these people do not go to Florida for Christmas vacation (I realize that this is an over-generalization, spank me later) they go to Mexico. Many of our small town residents race back "home" sometimes 3 or 4 times per year to visit relatives and friends. I can't help but feel like this is a direct threat to the health and well-being of the American population, not that they are going, but that they are coming back. We need to take precautions, and seperate ourselves as much as possible from other countries to keep the risk of global outbreak as low as possible.While the bulk of the Hispanic population that I witness in the doctors office are slipping the clerk their special government cards, my family is currently without insurance for our health. If one of us should fall prey to the dread Swine Flu, we might actually perish, whereas, many (OK, not all) of their population would get the medical care required to heal them, or at the very least, would be given the extra comfort of knowing that there was not going to be a rather large bill coming in the mail. It is a great concern to me that our government take the torro by the cuerno (bull by the horns) and use this virus to make a long overdue statement to our friends to the south, and also to the people who want to live here as residents. You can come, there was obviously nothing we were going to do that was going to stop you, but you must be responsible for the health of your family, and be considerate of your American neighbors. If my son breaks out with the Swine Flu, I think I am going to file a lawsuit against the United States Government for letting it in on the breath of immigrants or illegal immigrants. The policies on immigration and the flimsy attempts at doing anything about the problem once it was spinning out of control have now evolved, like the Swine Flu Virus, into a potentially deadly hazard. I have to tell you that my own family went to a resort in Cozumel last summer, to bond. I was overwhelmed by the beauty that the country possesses on every coast line my eyes took in, but I was also astonished at the filth and lack of cleanliness in the town, near the water, behind every wall. This country is not clean, and has not made the right attempts to do anything about it, sewage, trash, you name it. I would not be surprised in the least if there was a million different killer bugs headed our way from Mexico, and frankly, if they will not clean up that mess of a country, our government should give us protection from it until Americans, NOT illegal immigrants posing as Americans, are satisfied. This is a call to action for our government, to step up and do something about this problem at the border. If our president wants to make a positive impact on this country, he could start by saving some of our lives. Clean up the border problem, and stop the flow, President Obama! Because guess what, there is an issue in this country with race, but it isn't because of the way they talk, or the way they look. It is about a country that is so filthy and so corrupt, that the people coming from it should be very closely monitored for obvious reasons, and the traffic of potential deadly disease should be stopped at all costs! We can not afford any more people slipping in, even if they do want to work, and we can't afford the cost of what they may bring with them. If you can not get on the plane with a piece of fruit from that country, then why should the people be allowed to come and go carrying even more hazardous things? Other countries should be concerned about traffic back and forth from country to country too. We all need to be cautious, and stay home for a while.
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